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Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

We have produced coal ash briquetting machine, our coal ash briquetting machine for sale to overseas is very popular and received widely praise, becau...


Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine
Coal ash is one of the industrial waste residues after coal combustion, and it is very polluted to the air, for this reason, our Lantian technical have developed environmental protection and energy saving coal ash briquetting machine, which can press coal ash into balling shape for industrial use.

Working principle

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

Our coal ash briquetting machine mainly consists of main engine, input, output, gear box, motor and waste output. Before pressing, coal ash need add adhesive and stirring evenly in binder mixer, and mixed materials will be transferred to input, materials are forced to be extruded by the die. Mould can be changed according customers needs, our coal ash briquetting machine for sale to overseas are received widely praise because coal ball briquetting machine price is reasonable and performance is stable.


Coal Ash Briquetting Machine


Machine Characteristics

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

1.Shape and size can be customized, such as ellipse, pillow, sphere, heart, etc.
2.The die material is used #65 manganese steel, and the diameter range between 10-60 mm.
3.Forced roll extrusion, the finished product has the characteristics of high hardness, high density and high strength.
4.Applicable raw materials are charcoal, coal, minerals, metals and other powders, coal charcoal residues can be recycled and reprocessed.

Finished products display

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine


Customers site

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

Our coal ash briquetting machine for sale to overseas are received widely praise because of its stable performance and high quality, and also machines have ISO and CE high quality certification, many customers gave us feedback after purchased our machine 

Production process

Coal Ash Briquetting Machine

1.After coal has been burned, coal ash was be collected, before they pressed, they need add adhesive and stirring evenly in binder mixer,
2.Mixed materials will be transferred to coal ash briquetting machine, materials need forced extrusion of rollers,
3.Pressed coal ash ball need to dry out the excess moisture by coal ash ball dryer, and they can storage for a long time and burning thoroughly,
4.After drying, coal ash ball can be packed by coal ash ball packing machine, and materials can easy to sell.

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