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Lime Powder Ball Press Machine

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine

We are lime powder ball press machine supplier, our lime powder ball press machine have high quality and lime powder ball press machine price is just....


Lime Powder Ball Press Machine

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine

Lime is a very important chemical raw material, which plays a very important role in construction, but it is not safe, and improper storage will cause harm to human body, in order to make it safe to store, our Lantian Machinery Technical Team has developed a lime powder ball press machine, we are lime powder ball press machine supplier, our machine can press lime powder with high efficiency. 

Working principle

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine
Our lime powder ball press machine mainly consists of main engine, input, output, gear box, die, motor and waste output. Lime will be transferred to inlet of machine,  the switch is started, and the two sides of the die are forced roll extrusion, our lime powder ball press machine price is reasonable and operation is simple, which received widely praised in many countries.

Machine Characteristics

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine
1.Our machine also can press charcoal, coal, minerals, metals and other powders, coal charcoal residues can be recycled and reprocessed.
2.Shape and size can be customized, and finished products are high density, high strength and high hardness, they are easy to store and transport,
3.The die material is used #65 manganese steel, and the diameter range between 10-60 mm,
Finished products display
Lime Powder Ball Press Machine 

Customers site

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine 

Shipping site

Lime Powder Ball Press Machine
We are lime powder ball press machine supplier, our lime powder ball press machine price is just and exported to many countries.

Our company

Lime Powder Ball Press MachineLime Powder Ball Press Machine
Our lime powder ball press machine are carefully designed by staff, machines have a series high quality certification such as ISO and CE certification, if you need our ball press machine, please contact our online customer service or send us an inquiry. We will give you a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. 

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