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Wood Chip Crusher

Wood Chip Crusher

We are wood chips crusher supplier,we have produced wood chip crusher,our wood chips crusher machine have high quality and reasonable price.


Wood Chip Crusher

Wood Chip Crusher

Wood is a common raw material in industrial processing, we are wood chips crusher supplier, our Lantian technical team have produced a series wood processing machine, one of is wood chip crusher, the machine can chip them and make them easy to following up processing, it is widely used in the preparation section of textile, paper-making, pulping, wood-based panels and other industries.

Working principle

Wood Chips Crusher Machine
We are wood chips crusher supplier, our wood chips crusher machine mainly composed of machine base, inlet port, outlet port, cutter head, chassis, chipper blade and electronic control. When wood chip crusher is working, the power switch is turned on, woods are fed in inlet port, when woods touches the cutting blade, they will be cut by high speed rotation of the cutting tool disc, and the cut wood is fed out by the high speed steam generated by the wind blade on the cutting tool disc in the cutting room, and then, they can crush by our sawdust crusher machine according customers needs.


Wood Chip Crusher


Machines features or details

Wood Chips Crusher Machine

1.Our wood chips crusher machine have high output, low energy consumption, high quality of wood chips and high performance-price ratio.
2.Our machine have compact structure, reasonable layout, simple installation and convenient operation and maintenance.
3.Machines have high production capacity, when cutting logs, the quality of wood chips is high, and the length of wood chips can be adjusted freely within the prescribed range. 

Finished products display

Wood Chip Crusher


Customers site

Wood Chips Crusher Machine


Our company

Wood Chip Crusher

We are wood chips crusher supplier, our machines are carefully designed by Lantian technical team staff, our machines have ISO and CE certification, and used high quality metal materials as fuselage’s materials, they are easy to operate and maintain, if you need wood chip crusher, please send us inquiry, we are a good choice for you.

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