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Lignite Briquette Machine

Lignite Briquette Machine

We have produced lignite briquette machine,our lignite coal briquette machine have high quality,and lignite briquette machine price is just.


Lignite Briquette Machine

Lignite Briquette Machine
Lignite coal is the main coal used in daily life, and it is a kind of coal between peat and bituminous coal. After processing by our Lantian Brand lignite briquette machine, finished product can used as household heating, our lignite coal briquette machine have high quality and stable performance, and lignite briquette machine price is just, which is loved in many countries.

Working Principle

Lignite Coal Briquette Machine
This lignite briquette machine belongs to hydraulic press machine, our lignite coal briquette machine is consists of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic pump, sensor, PLC intelligent control system and mould, when machine is working, it adopts Pascal principle, pressure and speed can be controlled by PLC intelligent control system, after switched sensor and materials starts to press, and mould can be changed according customers needs, our lignite briquette machine price is reasonable and quality is high, if you need, Lantian is a good choice.


Lignite Briquette Machine

Machines details and advantages

Lignite Coal Briquette Machine
1.PLC intelligent control system can adjust pressure between 100-200t,
2.Hydraulic pump is equipped with rubber base, which has good shock absorption effect,
3.External hydraulic pumps can ensure the safety of cooling system.

Finished products display

Lignite Briquette Machine

Customers site

Lignite Coal Briquette Machine

Product line

Lignite Briquette Machine
1.lignite coal need carbonize by carbonization furnace, 
2.Carbonized lignite coal need crush into powder by lignite coal crusher machine, and crushed powder need add adhesive and stirring evenly in binder mixer,
3.Mixed lignite coal powder will transfer to lignite briquette machine, machine have simple operation and stable performance, finished products are with high hardness and high density,
4.Pressed products can drying by our charcoal dryer machine and can make them burning thoroughly.
5.After drying, they can pack by Lantian charcoal packing machine for sell.

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